Our Initiatives

Jackson County Family Connection has ongoing initiatives to support needs in the community. If you are interested in becoming involved in any of our initiatives please contact us for more information.

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Warm Hands, Warm Hearts

We meet the needs of children and families in crisis, BY WORKING WITH OTHER AGENCIES WHO SCREEN THE FAMILIES.  This initiative is solely supported by donations from the community and yearly fundraiser, LADIES NIGHT.  We provide assistance only with referrals from local agencies, schools or churches.  Financial assistance is ONLY available through a partnering agency and is limited depending on funds available.  Assistance is given on a case by case basis at the discretion of the collaborative and Executive Director. This initiative has provided clothing, food, gas cards, school supplies, rent assistance, utility assistance, household items, hygiene items, assistance in fees for document processing, and many other emergency needs.


Darkness To Light

Jackson County Family Connection, in partnership with Adults Protecting Children, has launched a county-wide child sexual abuse prevention initiative.  Our goal is to help put an end to the sexual abuse of children and to make Jackson County the safest place in Georgia to raise children.  Our strategy is to train adults in how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.  We believe that there must be a focus on prevention!

When you consider the resources necessary to treat the survivors of sexual abuse, prevention just makes sense