Our mission:
Connecting for the good.
Jackson County Family Connection is a collaborative organization that links businesses, agencies, and citizens together for the betterment of children and families in Jackson County.
Jackson County Family Connection is a collaborative organization that links businesses, agencies, and citizens together for the betterment of children and families in Jackson County.
Our Programs
Jackson County Family Connection has ongoing initiatives to support needs in the community. We need the community to make these programs great!
We meet the needs of children and families in crisis by providing anonymous financial assistance ONLY through other agencies who screen the families. We also provide other needed items such as heaters, clothing, medicine, glasses, food, pest control or any other emergency need. This initiative is soley supported by donations from the community and yearly fundraiser, LADIES NIGHT. We provide assistance only with referrals from local agencies, schools or churches. WE DO NOT WORK DIRECTLY WITH FAMILIES FOR ASSISTANCE.
Warm Hands, Warm Hearts is a fund that meets a wide variety of emergency needs for families and children in Jackson County.
Jackson County Family Connection, in partnership with Adults Protecting Children, has launched a county-wide child sexual abuse prevention initiative. Our goal is to help put an end to the sexual abuse of children and to make Jackson County the safest place in Georgia to raise children. Our strategy is to train adults in how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. We believe that there must be a focus on prevention! When you consider the resources necessary to treat the survivors of sexual abuse, prevention just makes sense.
We envision a community that is positive, caring, clean, safe, and involved. We anticipate a community in which productive residents have access to adequate housing, transportation, a meaningful education, and the help that is needed to become self sufficient.
The consensus among state government, the private sector and communities is that Georgia can only thrive when its children are healthy and succeed in school, and when their families are stable and self sufficient. Georgia Family Connection Partnership (GaFCP), a nonprofit public private intermediary, exists to unify their commitment to Georgia's families.
Search a Jackson County Directory to find services and resources for your family.
Toolkit to recruit, train and retain volunteers
Jackson County Family Connection is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.